the fundamental goal of marketers when creating goods, services, or combinations of both is to

Updated on May 11th, 2020   05:26   Digital Marketing
yogi   0   posted 4 years ago   05:25

Marketing goal is a specific, measurable, aspirational, realistic, and time-bound metric that drives every marketing effort. Some of the fundamental goals of a marketer are-
A) Increase sales: This one shouldn’t be a surprise because it tends to be the ultimate objective for marketing efforts. This can be a challenging goal for some marketing organizations with longer sales cycles — in that case, it is often best to choose a leading indicator of growth. You can measure your success in terms of revenue or bookings based on your business model.
B) Acquire new customers: Bringing a new customer on board is a great objective for many types of businesses, regardless of whether you sell to individuals or to companies. While this one seems pretty easy to measure, some companies have difficulty reliably counting new customers.
C) Improve awareness: It’s easy to say that raising awareness is a goal of your marketing, but it is challenging to measure. If this is your goal, you might choose a resulting indicator as a measurement for awareness, like inbound leads, web traffic, or positive media mentions. The ultimate measure is an awareness research study with a baseline, but that data is not always available.
D) Increase customer satisfaction: Over the years, marketers have been increasingly charged with raising customer satisfaction — especially if the marketing team has any product responsibility. Functions like customer marketing or customer advocacy marketing are more common as a result. The most common measurement for customer satisfaction is the Net Promoter Score (NPS), but you can also choose other survey instruments.
E) Launch a new product or solution: Bringing new solutions to market helps drive growth for your company — and product marketing teams are often responsible for launch management. Be careful not to measure success by simply launching the product — instead, you should choose an indicator of market acceptance, like inquiries, reviews, leads, or new sales of the product depending on the length of the sales cycle.
F) Increase web traffic: Sometimes the goal is pretty simple — like getting more people to show up to your website. This another area where a quality metric is really important — make sure you can measure qualified traffic, bounce rate, conversions, time on page, or similar indicators that you got the right people to come to your site.
G) Refine go-to-market strategy: Whether you are in a young company that is trying to find their right strategy to bring products to market, or a more mature company, the right strategy can make a break your success. Like other project-based goals, you don’t want to measure “completion of task”, instead you should focus on the result of your efforts, including accelerating leads, sales, or pipeline.

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