What is email marketing?

Email marketing is the practice of using email to promote your business. It is used to cultivate relationships with potential customers, keep current customers informed and updated on your brand, offer coupons to encourage customer loyalty, and more!

It is a direct form of marketing, similar to marketing through snail mail, but email marketing is much more efficient for your wallet and for the environment since it’s totally paperless!

Some people think email marketing is outdated, but they couldn’t be more wrong. Email marketing has been utilized since shortly after the birth of the Internet. It has evolved considerably since then and is still an incredibly useful marketing tool. In fact, many entrepreneurs argue that email marketing is more important now than ever before. There’s a good reason 85% of U.S. retailers consider email marketing one of the most effective customer acquisition tactics!

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial or fundraising messages to an audience. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing. However, the term is usually used to refer to:

  • Sending emails with the purpose of enhancing the relationship of a merchant with its current or previous customers and to encourage customer loyalty and repeat business.
  • Sending emails with the purpose of acquiring new customers or convincing current customers to purchase something immediately.
  • Adding advertisements to emails sent by other companies to their customers.

In its most basic sense, email marketing is the use of email to promote products or services. But a better email marketing definition is the use of email to develop relationships with potential customers or clients. Email marketing is one segment of internet marketing, which encompasses online marketing via websites, social media, blogs, and more. It is essentially direct mail done electronically instead of through the postal service.

This kind of marketing can be used to build relationships with customers or drive them away.

Email marketing has several key advantages over traditional mail marketing, including the following:

  • An exact return on investment can be tracked and has proven to be high when done properly. Email marketing is often reported as second only to search marketing as the most effective online marketing tactic.
  • Advertisers can reach substantial numbers of email subscribers who have opted in to receive email communications on subjects of interest to them.
  • Over half of all Internet users check or send email on a typical day.
  • Email allows marketers to reach out to consumers with personalized, relevant, dynamic messages.
  • Transactional emails allow businesses to respond automatically to important consumer events like purchases or shop-cart abandonment.

Digital marketing teams comprise a wide variety of expert professionals. These professionals include content marketers, designers, copywriters, social media specialists, and more.

Email marketing specialists fall under this umbrella of a digital marketer, and they are a major part of the team.

A digital marketing strategy is nothing without an email marketing specialist. These individuals understand the technical landscape of email, driving traffic, securing conversions, and building relationships with consumers new and old.

 What is an email marketing specialist?

An email marketing specialist is a digital marketer that focuses on building email lists, creating emails, and nurturing leads through written communications.

These professionals work with email automation software, sending out email blasts, newsletters, and more, all with the goal of increasing brand awareness and establishing a brand’s place in the competitive market.

What do email marketing specialists do?

The duties of an email marketing specialist vary. There’s an established list of tasks all email marketers can expect, from using automation tools to writing emails and even interacting one-on-one with audiences.

Following is a more extensive list of the roles and responsibilities of expert email marketing specialists. Email marketing professionals are tasked with:

  • Creating and monitoring a wide variety of email marketing campaigns
  • Ensuring design and layouts of emails are optimized, user and mobile-friendly
  • Proofreading key messaging in and out of email templates
  • Sending graphics requests to designers
  • Compiling email lists
  • Purging email lists
  • Securing email databases for future campaigns
  • Following up on emails
  • Placing product orders
  • Creating digital ads
  • Tracking and analysing campaign results
  • Aiding additional digital marketing efforts.

So here is the list of marketing specialists:

Ian Brodie, consultant/email marketing expert:

Ian has written, consulted, and thought about email marketing for a long time. Now he uses it and other marketing tactics to help other consultants get more clients. Just signing up for his email list is educational. He uses a pre-scheduled webinar in a way I haven’t seen anyone else do.

Ian is also the author of “Email Persuasion: Captivate and Engage Your Audience, Build Authority and Generate More Sales with Email Marketing”, one of the top 10 email marketing books recommended by Get Response.

Chad White, Research Director at Litmus:

In addition to having the incredibly cool job of being Research Director at Litmus, Chad is also the co-author of “Email Marketing Rules: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Best Practices that Power Email Marketing Success.” He’s got a monthly column at Marketing Land and posts to his own blog every so often.

 Jordie van Rijn, consultant/email marketing expert:

Jordie is one of the best-known email marketers around. “Around” being literally around the world. He’s even been a blogger here. Sign up for the email updates from his blog to stay current with B2B email marketing.

Kath Pay, Founder and Senior Consultant, Holistic Email Marketing:

Kath Pay’s email marketing career has included jobs at E consultancy (as an email marketing trainer), Alchemy Worx, and Plan to Engage. She also wrote the State of Email Marketing report, and presented two webinars for Get Response:

Dela Quist, CEO, Alchemy Worx:

Dela Quist is one of the most opinionated people in email marketing, but he’s always got data to back up his assertions. His posts and any other content from Alchemy Worx are guaranteed to be good. They’d definitely make a shortlist for must-read email marketing blogs.

Justine Jordan, Email Evangelist/Speaker and VP of Marketing at Litmus:

I didn’t want to include more than one person from each company, but Justine deserves the exception. In addition to her terrific work at Litmus, and all the webinars and blog posts she’s written, Justine was also the Email Experience Council’s 2015 Email Marketer Thought Leader of the Year.

Dave Chaffey, CEO and founder of Smart Insights:

If you don’t know them already, it’s probably time you start reading the Smart Insights blog. They cover email marketing and almost every other aspect of online marketing.

Dave’s another one who has done a few webinars for Get Response There’s a blog recap (and a link to the recorded webinar) of Taking Your First Steps with Email Marketing Automation. Or you can watch his other webinar, Achieving Email Marketing Excellence.

David Baker, Co-Founder, COO; Cordial.io:

David won the 2016 EEC Thought Leader of the Year Award. He wrote a post about it – and how to be an email thought leader. You can keep up with his work on the Cordial blog. Or sign up for their newsletter, of course.

 Tamara Gielen, email marketing consultant:

Tamara is an internationally recognized email marketer and educator. She’s a Founder of the Email Marketer’s Club and has written for pretty much every email marketing publication at one point or another.

Design and Copywriting

 Joanna Wiebe, copywriter, Founder of Copy Hackers:

Copywriting for emails is a special skill. Almost nobody around can do it – or teach it – as well as Joanna Wiebe. She also happens to be a whiz at all things conversion. That’s probably why Get Response asked her to write an e-book, How to Write Newsletters that Get Opened Read and Clicked.

 Ben Settle, email copywriter:

Ben might not be everybody’s cup of tea, but he’s a killer email copywriter. Sign up for his free email updates to get a taste of his style – and to learn a boatload about how to sell stuff via email.

 Paul Airy, email designer:

Paul Airy’s a distinctive email designer who is constantly pushing the envelope to see how far email design can go. His newsletter is great inspiration, and his book, A Type of Email, is a must-read if you’re into email design.

Anna Yeaman, Creative Director at Style Campaign, an email design agency:

Anna is constantly testing the limits of email design. If you want to see what cutting-edge email coding looks like, you should be reading her blog?

List building

Derek Halpern, Founder of Social Triggers, marketing guru:

Derek Halpern made his chops by building a series of successful blogs on different topics. Then he shifted into teaching other people how to do it via Social Triggers.

Derek focused on building an email list, because he knew what he was doing. He forcefully encouraged his readers to do so, too. The result? Lots of awesome resources on how to build an email list, plus some in-your-face blog posts and videos about why email list building is so important.

Noah Kagan, Founder of SumoMe and online marketing dude:

Noah knows a ton about list building, and has applied his skills into making one of the best list building plugins around. Read his blog and the SumoMe blog for case studies on how he got so many subscribers, plus updates on his other internet marketing accomplishments.

About Adstuck:

Adstuck is a digital marketing practice agency working from all over the world with four locations India, Singapore, Estonia and US. Its mission is to provide instant access to a talented workforce to enterprise. They have 491 clients and worked over 700 projects, with 30 fortunes 500 firms.

Adstuck provide services in:

  • Improving marketing results
  • Creating social media marketing strategy
  • Proper assessments of current trends
  • Market research
  • Campaign creation
  • Growing market share
  • Launching new product or enter new market.

It is a strong and leading digital media marketing service provider which can help you with cost cutting, plan execution, perfect reporting, strategy making, data collecting, and response collection from consumers. It handles all the aspects of your business. They don’t focus only on new on emerging brands who wants entail success and distribution in the market but also on brands that have successfully established the customer retail space, and need some assistance in managing their business.

What does Adstuck do?


  • Working with your team to add opt-in email signs up to contact forms
  • Utilizing other social media and paid strategies to continue to grow the list
  • Adding new opt-in sign-ups for before each new email blast


  • Analysing what content most users interact with on your site
  • Working with experienced designer to create email template that fits your brand
  • Using data from previous email campaigns to incorporate proven design elements


  • Working with your company and target audience to write valuable content for them
  • Running contests and giveaways to increase engagement
  • Designing for engagement and conversions


  • Tracking sends and delivery rates
  • Tracking open and click-through rates
  • Tracking web visits, leads, sales, and revenue for each email blast



  • Split-testing subject lines
  • Split-testing send times and dates
  • Split-testing copy and offers
  • And more!


  • Marketing automation
  • Customer retention email
  • Win-back email campaigns

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